Course Calendar.
This is a list of courses that are running at the moment and the number of people who are already booked on these courses. To book a place, scroll down to the appropriate course and click the Download booking & info. button to download a booking form. Then click the Book now button and pay a deposit to confirm your booking. If there are no dates in this section Then we are not running any courses at the moment, But if you would like to book a course for a group, then please contact us.
Deposit can be paid online through PayPal, by clicking the Book Now Button. Bank transfers and cheques will also be accepted if that is your preferred method of payment. See booking forms for details
BCU Courses.
BC advanced and standard white water safety and rescue
The WWS&R training course is designed for all paddlers operating in a moderate to advanced white water environment in either kayak or canoe. In addition, the training is also required for those seeking their white water leader (kayak or open canoe) award.
The objective is to provide the underpinning knowledge and teach simple and safe practical skills that can be applied appropriately which include how to safe paddle, rescue oneself and others along with kit in a moderate white water environment and manage rescue situations.
Pre-requisites. Due to the paddling environment and boat handling skills needed, Candidates must be confident in their ability to paddle on grade 2 water. They must also be confident in swimming in a moving water environment and be a minimum of 16 years of age.
Dates and Venues TBA (Please note if you have a group of 4 then a course can be arranged to suit)
Advanced white water safety & rescue based in Fort William
11th -12th April
Cost £195 which includes certification fee.
BCU White Water Leader Award Assessment WW Kayak
Course Aims “Successful performance at this level indicates that the candidate has the personal skill and leadership ability to lead a group of up to 4 competent paddlers (not including themselves) in moderate conditions. The emphasis is on the application of suitable techniques, Leadership and boat control on up to grade 2/3 water in real situations".
Candidates now have the option to go straight into assessment without having done official BC training, However it is recommended that you have had other forms of bespoke training, regularly worked alongside white water leaders or/and hold a progressive white water personal performance award
- First Aid award (minimum 2 days).
- Full Membership from your Home Nation (BCU, WCA, SCA etc).
- Have completed a White Water Safety and Rescue course within the last 3 years.
- Previous Experience The candidate must provide evidence of a minimum of 24 varied, quality river days as a leader/assistant leader on grade 2-3 water as well of being led as part of a team. (Log book evidence must be shown)
- Completed and stamped registration form from the BCU.
- Completed a safe guarding course (BC e learning)
7th May 2022. Scotland, West (Fort William area
Cost £190
BC white water kayak leader training .
Cost £190pp None Residential.
Course Aims “Successful performance at this level indicates that the candidate has the personal skill and leadership ability to lead a group of up to 4 competent paddlers (not including themselves) in moderate conditions. The emphasis is on the application of suitable techniques, Leadership and boat control on up to grade 2/3 water in real situations".
Pre-requisites should be at very comfortable on grade 2 water and have experience in paddling on moderate water up to grade 3
Dates TBA
Cost £190
BC Advanced white water kayak leader training or assessment
Course Aims “Successful performance at this level indicates that the candidate has the personal skill and leadership ability to lead a group of up to 4 competent paddlers (not including themselves) in Advanced conditions. The emphasis is on the application of suitable techniques, Leadership and boat control on up to grade 4 water in real situations".
For training you need to be solid on grade 3 with plenty of experience of grade 4 along with already good knowledge and practice of leadership .Recommended that you hold the moderate white water leader award.
For assessment. Registered with your home nation. Done a advanced white water & safety and rescue course, 2 day first aid course, Safe guarding training (E-learning from your home nation) and proof of experience on grade 4/5. Candidates can now go straight for assessment without taking official BC advanced training, However it is recommended that you have had some other form of bespoke training or worked alongside an advanced leader and/or hold a personal performance advanced white water award.
Training 9th -10th April Scotland, Fort William area (If lacking water then we may move over towards the Central or East of Scotland)
Cost £200
Assessment TBA If you are ready then get in contact and we can put one one to suit.
Cost £200
Development Courses.
2 day Dynamic & Active Blade Skills course.
This 2 day Skills course is a must for any improver to intermediate paddlers water looking at more modern, and up to date techniques to apply to there river running strategies. We will focus on your balance, acceleration, angles, drive and power strokes and when to apply & also look at Active blade techniques for river running, break ins/outs and ferrying all essential for you to become a more efficient, in control and confident peddler with your river running skills. Pre-Requisites be very comfortable on Grade 2 and experience of running Grade 3.
Dates TBC
Cost £195.00, None residential
Dynamic River Skills course.
This 1 day Skills course is a must for any improver to intermediate paddlers water looking at more modern, and up to date techniques to apply to there river running strategies. We will focus on your balance, acceleration, angles, drive and power strokes and when to apply & also look at Active blade techniques for river running, break ins/outs and ferrying all essential for you to become a more efficient, in control and confident paddler with your river running skills. We will use Video analysis and observation to see your progression and at the end of the day you can be rest assured you will be going home with a whole new set of tools to add to your development.
Must be happy on grade 2/3 water. A WW roll an advantage but not essential.
Cost £120.00,
Long Term Development coaching course. (WW KAYAK)
Long term development is a process for the student to be coached and mentored over a period of time to develop their white water kayak skills from cognitive to antonymous learning. (Made simple instead of thinking about it your skill and understanding will become natural)
This is a top professional course and is proven that skill development is achieved through time and consolidation. This course a rare and fantastic opportunity to be mentored by Andy Holt BCU level 5 coach who will run the course to suit the individual’s needs and learning style. We guarantee results!!!
So is this you? I want to get better, not sure what im doing, Is it right? I don’t seem to be progressing, I’m scared!, frustrated, Lacking motivation then this course is for you and also a great course for coaches and/or river leaders wanting to move up the ladder as well.
Course overview.
There will be 8 sessions spread over 4 months doing 2 days at a time for you to consolidate and develop. All the sessions will be practical on the river including on the first half day an observation and analysis session from myself to see where you are and your needs to move forward. Then we will work on a skill base set on TTPP (technical, tactical, psychological and physical). Looking at each element with lots of practice and understanding. Also very important for your learning we will include a long term development & action plan, goal setting short and long and regular feedback including video analysis from myself on your progression.
The course is aimed at grade 3 boaters moving up to grade 4 who want more finesse, confidence, self belief along with the tactical and technical skills to start bossing the river.
Ratios are only 1 to 4 so you will get plenty of top quality coaching time and feedback.
The course will based in North Wales however if no water then we will look at alternative areas including Devon, Lakes, Yorkshire.
Cost of the full course (all 8 days) Is £750 pounds. excludes accommodation & kit hire.
The Next Step, Grade 3/4 skills course.
Is this You?
You are now a good intermediate paddler and confident and comfortable with your skills on grade 3 water, however, when it comes to running those tricky class 3/4s there is still hesitation in your mind. Maybe this is a lack of understanding on the hydraulics, The Line in; the key strokes needed to clean the rapid or could be just your self-belief. So now you need The Next Step course.
This 2 day course will give you technical and tactical understanding and will focus on your perfect line in, The speed needed (if any) using features within the rapid, Dynamic key strokes and when to apply, Boofing and stopper skills, Active Blades, Timing, Balance and most of all your self-belief and positivity. A great course for any recreational paddler or 4 star and 5 star aspirants wanting to improve their grades and skills by stepping it up.
Must be happy on grade 3/3+ with a good WW roll.
Dates TBC. Based in North Wales
Cost £195 per person none residential,
Boofs, Drops & Creeking course.
Get to grips with the steep stuff
This 2 day course is designed to improve your technical and tactical river skills as well as psychological understanding. We will focus on that perfect boof stroke, looking at speed, timing, posture, balance and nailing the landing We will use video analysis and observation to see your progression and at the end of the course you can be rest assured you will be going home with a whole new set of tools to add to your development.
Must be happy on grade 3+ A WW roll an advantage but not essential.
The Course is none residential; however there are plenty of Hotels, B&Bs bunkhouses and campsites in the area.
Venue North East & Yorkshire.
Dates 4th -5th May
2 day Course £195